Online Pre-registration Venue/Registration Fee: $20.00 (before November 13th)
On-site registration Venue/Registration Fee: $25.00 (save the $5.00 and pre-register!)
Street Fighter IV Tournament Entry: $10.00 ($500.00 Pot Bonus!)
Tekken 6 Tournament Entry: $15.00
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Tournament Entry: $10.00
Soul Calibur IV Tournament Entry: $10.00
King of Fighters XII Tournament Entry: $10.00
SF II Turbo HD-Remix Tournament Entry: $5.00
Marvel vs Capcom 2 Tournament Entry: $10.00
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Singles Entry: $10.00
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike 2v2 Teams Entry: $5.00 per person/$10.00 per team
Hotel Accomodations:
Since Absolute Battle is an all weekend event, we have made booking a hotel room right at the Hyatt Regency easy. Guests of Absolute Battle enjoy a lowered group rate of $82.00! Just mention that you are with Absolute Battle when you book a room and you will receive the discounted group rate. This offer will last until the rooms run out or when pre-registration ends.
click the picture to make a reservation