
New Absolute Battle Website

Absolute Battle Gaming Events have moved to a new website.
Please visit out new site at: You can also friend us at facebook.

Absolute Weekend In Pictures (Kinda)

Absolute Pre-Party
Pre Party01
Pre Party02
Pre Party03
Pre Party04
Pre Party05
Pre Party06

Set Up01
Set Up02
Set Up03
Set Up04
Set Up05
Set Up06
Set Up07
Set Up08
Set Up09

TotalToanage vs. Fanatiq Rematch (biggest MM in marvel)
TotalToanage vs. Fanatiq


Absolute Results

Man, what a weekend, thanks everyone for coming out and supporting AB. Had a lot of fun and hope to see everyone out again for next year.
I have videos of SFIV(Single) top 8, Toan vs. Fanatiq rematch, and some of SFIV (Teams) and i will put those up sometimes this week.

and someone tell me which team won 3rd in the 3v3 SFIV please.

Absolute Battle Results:

TotalToanage vs. Fanatiq Rematch
Fanatiq 15-14 Toan

Street Fighter IV (Singles)
1. Buktooth (EL/RY)
2. FindMyFarms (BA)
3. Jan (ZA)
4. ddr_gakusei (Vietnamazing) (CA)
5. Jewelman (HO)
5. Vegita-X (ZA)

Tekken 6
1. Devil Jim
2. jra6
3. JOP
4. foxstep
5. KFC
5. Nori

Street Fighter IV (Teams)
1. Team Buktooth (EL), ddr_gakuseii (Vietnamazing) (CA), demenion (BL)
2. Team Binhlol (SA), Dest556 (BA), yungb254 (GI)

1. Binhlol
2. Jan
3. Chase
4. Retekin

1. Buktooth
2. demenion
3. King
4. Retekin
5. JW
5. Ivan

Third Strike (Singles)
1. JD
2. Buktooth
3. Yuuki
4. Binh
5. Alex
5. David


Absolute Flyer

The official Absolute Battle flyers are here. Please feel free print some out and pass them around.


Absolute Pre-Party

The Absolute Battle pre-party will be at Geisha Steak & Sushi Lounge on Friday December 4th starting at 7:00 pm. The staff of Absolute Battle would like to welcome everyone to come join us for great food, drinks, and fun. This will be a great chance to meet and chat with fellow players and event hosts. There will be drink specials and we are working with the hotel to get shuttles to and from Geisha to the hotel so you dont have to drive after a few drinks.

Geisha Steak & Sushi Lounge

3801 W. President George Hwy.
Plano, TX 75075


View Larger Map

To Pre-reg, click the link below.
Online Pre-Registration


Absolute Battle Venue

Here are pictures of the event venue. Please excuse the chairs and tables, they were setting up for another event. There will also be a video of the space up shortly.

Halls to the event room.

The event room we will be using. The portable wall at the end will be removed to give us even more room (it was up due to the set up for another event).

There will be lots of parties and events going on Saturday night so be sure to book a room.


Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Singles Added

Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike singles has been added to the tournament list. The entry fee is $10.00 and the rules have been updated.